Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Well, the first couple weeks of school have been spent getting ready for the MEAP test which will take place the beginning of October. We've talked about different kinds of texts (narrative and informative) and different kinds of questions and how to answer them. Parents, ask you kids about QAR and see if they can explain it to you!

I have also found many opportunities to praise all of my classes. We sure have a great group of kids on our team! I have noticed that my students are kind to each other, go out of their way to help each other out, and are good problem solvers. I look forward to getting to know you all better!

Students, please take a minute to post a comment about how you're feeling about MEAP prep. It's okay if you're critical, but make sure you keep your comments appropriate and polite. (Groan...)


  1. Hi mrs.toth! Im so-so about it but im doing really good! See you tomorrow!

  2. I've never enjoyed the MEAP. But, am feeling ready! I do feel it's boring and want to get it over with!!! What are we doing next??????

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hey Mrs. Toth I don't want to take the meep but we all have to so what choice do we have

  5. HI Mrs. Toth!!!!
    To be truthful, I'm not the biggest fan of the
    MEAP, but the best I can do is try, I guess. It's kind of boring as well, but that's life!! Wish me luck on the MEAP!!!!

  6. the meap is ok i geuss i dont really lik ehow we have to b quiet

  7. hey mrs. toth! i like the meap sort of.... But i am totaly ready! Wish me luck.
